What shall I say
On this Valentine’s day
In a meaningful way
That’ll hold her in sway?
A love note it can’t be
Because it don’t come to me.
Nor can a gift it be
For I think of the wasted money.
The promise of a trip? I wonder.
But the follow-up work, I shudder.
A good meal out? I ponder.
Nope, I figure, love her cooking better.
Flowers and chocolate, I consider.
And rule them out as blunder.
Flowers wilt and wither,
Chocolate renders you heavier.
The sun is arcing over the sky
And the day is passing by.
She’s waiting to hear
Causing me more dread and fear.
It's too late now, that’s clear.
I ought to have planned this earlier.
Yet, she puts up with my behavior
Year after year.
I love you deeply my dear.SHARE THIS ON: